About Adopting
We charge a $100 adoption fee which helps to offset the cost of care, veterinary care, first set of vaccinations and treatment with Revolution for fleas, ticks, most worms, and ear mites.

Here is a list of items that Keeping Cats Homed needs, any donation would be greatly appreciated and would go a long way to helping a kitten in need.

Apply to Volunteer
Are you interested in becoming a foster? Please be sure to read our Foster Agreement first! Fill out the application to apply to become a foster today.
Raffle for cat gift basket

Houseplant Fundraiser

Keeping Cats Homed Annual General Meeting

KCH will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on August 18, 2024 at 2 PM, at the home of Lori Burnell, 234 Colin Ave in Summerside. The meeting will also be available through video. If you are interested in participating in this meeting, please RSVP via email to: keepingcatshomed@gmail.com (mailto:keepingcatshomed@gmail.com) and indicate if you are planning to attend in person or by video. This will allow us to provide information regarding the call-in procedure, prior to the meeting, for those who plan to attend via video.
If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, please inform Lori Burnell at: keepingcatshomed@gmail.com before August 9, 2024. To be eligible to serve on the board, you must have been a paid member prior to May 31, 2024.
This meeting is open to the public and we always welcome new volunteers with new ideas and a fresh perspective who also want to save kittens.
We hope to see you there!