It’s that time of year again…. it’s time for our biggest fundraiser of the year, our online silent auction. We are looking for volunteers or donations of items for the auction. Did you receive any gifts that you have never used as they just weren’t something you needed but someone else might love, have any gift certificates you have never used, do you make crafts, knit, crochet, bottle jams or pickles? These are all items we would love to have for our auction. If you have any items at all that you think someone might bid on, no matter how big or small, please reach out to us. We will arrange to have a volunteer pick up the donations and we may be able to issue a donation in kind charitable receipt. If you don’t have anything to donate, but want to help our subcommittee with this event, we would love your help. If you are not already a member of our online silent auction Facebook group, please send a request to be added. You can find the group under Keeping Cats Homed Online Silent Auction on Facebook. We look forward to hearing from you and always appreciate your support. We could not do what we do without your help. 🙂