Are you interested in becoming involved, or just curious about our program? If so, please consider joining us for our annual general meeting (AGM).
Keeping Cats Homed will host our AGM on August 30, 2020 at 2pm. Due to social distancing protocols, we are hosting this annual meeting online through Zoom.
We will provide an update on KCH operations for our 2019-2020 fiscal year.
If you are interested in attending this meeting, please email KCH at keepingcatshomed@gmail.com to RSVP so we can ensure you are provided information prior to the meeting to call in.
There will be an election, if needed, to fill positions on our board. In order to run for a board position, you must be a paid member as of May 31, 2020. If interested in offering for the board, please submit your interest to President, Lori Burnell, by email at loriburnell@eastlink.ca before August 15, 2020.