Category: Uncategorized

T-shirts for sale

We have had some t-shirts donated by a very generous KCH supporter that we have available for sale.  There are only a limited amount available of each one so if interested please email with the t-shirt you are interested and how many you would like.  They are as follows: #1 – gray, short sleeved […]

Fundraising meeting rescheduled

We have rescheduled our fundraising meeting to October 21, 2018 at 1:00 at 234 Colin Ave in Summerside.  We are looking for volunteers to help with our upcoming online silent auction.  If you are interested in becoming involved with fundraising and can spare even a couple of hours, we would appreciate your help.  Please send […]

Fundraising Committee Meeting

Have you ever considered getting involved with KCH but can’t foster?  KCH is having a fundraising meeting this Sunday, Oct 14th, at 2pm at 234 Colin Ave in Summerside.  It’s time to start planning for our annual silent auction and we need your help.  You can donate as much or as little time as you […]

Thanks for Giving month

  October is Thanks for Giving month at Pet Valu stores across the country.  The Pet Valu store is Charlottetown has selected KCH to be the recipient of all product donated from now until the end of October.  We will be in store on October 13 and 20th from 11am until 3pm with kittens hoping […]

United Way and GCWCC

October is the month for many employees to consider donating through the United Way and Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign (GCWCC).   Keeping Cats Homed Inc would like to remind you that we are a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency which means that we are one of the many charities you can […]

2019 Fundraising Calendars Now Available

Our gorgeous 2019 fundraising calendars are now available for purchase.  There are a limited quantity available at the Summerside Animal Hospital in Summerside and Blue Ribbon Pet Supply in Charlottetown.  You can also contact us by email at or if you would like to purchase one but cannot get to either location.  Once […]

2019 Fundraising Calendars

Our 2019 fundraising calendars are in and they are awesome!!!  The mini size is $20 and the large is $25.  Please note the dimensions in the picture above as the sizes have changed slightly this year.  If interested in purchasing a calendar please contact us through Facebook or email or  We can ship […]

Special Donation

Lori Burnell, President of KCH, accepts donation from “Young Millionaire” Noah Harvey   At our recent meeting, Noah Harvey, along with his brother Braeden and mother Naomi, stopped by to drop off a very generous donation of $130!  Noah participated in the Young Millionaires program this past summer where he made cat toys and for […]

New Volunteers Needed

Have you ever considered volunteering some time to help the kitties? We are always looking for more volunteers to foster, fundraise, transport, make phone calls, sell tickets or calendars etc. You can volunteer as much and as little time as you can spare. We are having a regular committee meeting tomorrow at 2pm at 234 […]

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