T-shirts for sale

We have had some t-shirts donated by a very generous KCH supporter that we have available for sale.  There are only a limited amount available of each one so if interested please email loriburnell@eastlink.ca with the t-shirt you are interested and how many you would like.  They are as follows:

#1 – gray, short sleeved t-shirt, size lg, $15  – only 3 available

#2 – blue, short sleeved t-shirt, size m, $15 – only 1 available

#3 – Halloween theme, short sleeve t-shirt, size med, $15 – only 1 available

#4 – Halloween theme, long sleeve t-shirt, size med, $20 each – 1 available

#5 – Santa kitten blue,  long sleeve t-shirt, size med, $20 – 1 available





#3, front and back





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